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Kseniya Simonova-sandstory for King of Thailand- К.Симонова- Королю Тайланда

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Категория ролика: Кино и Тв

On 5th and 6th of January in Bangkok (Thailand) Kseniya Simonova presented a sand story about His Majesty The King of Thailand Rama IX. Devoted to his 84th anniversary, the sand story created by Simonova told about the great inventions of the King conserning the Environment, about His love of his people and of His country. Kseniya was performing in the Royal Pavillion of Bangkok in a specially built hall in the presence of Her Royal Highnesty Princess Sirindhorn and the Government of Thailand. The spirit of the sand fantasy of Simonova, the feeling which she expressed in her art work stunned the audience. "I was very happyto receive such reaction", - says Kseniya, - "This sand story had a very long period of preparations, I was very worried about how the people of Thailand will take it. The music for my sand story was written by His Majesty the King himself. This music is really beautiful and inspiring. His Majesty is trully a genious person!" After watching Kseniya's performance, the Princess of Thailand gave her flowers from herself and from her Father, the King as a present. Kseniya gave her Royal Hihnesty two discs with a sand film about the King which was shooted by her and the Ovation.Tv (the Royal Television of Thailand) beforehand. Сюжет истории, который более полугода был тайной для СМИ, посвящён борьбе всего Тайланда, так и лично Короля, со стихийными бедствиями и экологическими проблемами страны, с многолетними засухами, мучившими жителей большей части Тайланда ...
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